CycleSureUK The premier Yorkshire specialists in MTB instructor training

About Us

Meet the CycleSureUK team

Our team of cycling specialists are all dedicated mountain bikers and between them have ridden just about everything in Yorkshire worth riding – and that’s most of it! They ride somewhere everyday and they want to help you have as much fun as them.

All of our coaches are experienced mountaineers as well as being MIAS qualified mountainbike instructors and assessors, with full first aid qualifications  and public liability insurance.



has been riding mountain bikes since she was six! She was invited onto the British Talent Team in 2005, was third in the National Championships, took a win in a section of the International Polaris and in 2007 finished second in the UK Women’s Trek Marathon Series riding for Stif Mountain Bikes of Leeds. But most of all she prefers just to be out riding the hills with other bikers. Claudia can help you setup your bike for comfort and performance. She is an inspirational rider and MIAS instructor who will give you the confidence to achieve the skills you need. When not on her bike or cooking delicious food, she also works as a lawyer.

To contact Claudia, email:



has been a biker for more than forty years. He is a MIAS coach/instructor assessor for all levels, directs the MIAS training and assessment courses as well as enjoying the guiding and skill development days. He is an outdoor professional working as a consultant to the industry, director of DBC Ltd, Inspector tor the LOtC Quality Badge, a mountain leader assessor, BCU coach/assessor, Alpine ski leader, sailing instructor and Approved CycleTrainer for Leeds City Council. Dave holds the IOSH Certificate, is a mountain bike Technical Adviser and is able to guide those working for Local Authorities, Academy Trusts and commercial providers through policy development and risk management strategies.

To contact Dave, email:



is a qualified personal trainer and nutritionist. Having worked as a sports scientist and performance analyst for the past 12 years, he is currently a professional tutor in a university sports department. He is a mountain leader, MIAS instructor and BCU coach. He rides locally nearly every day and participates in mountain marathon events throughout the UK. He is currently representing GB in triathalon.

To contact Andy, email:

About Us
Meet the team